Sunday, September 19, 2010

Welcome to a New Year of MOPS!

This year, MOPS International has chosen MOMOLOGY: The Art and Science of Mothering as our theme. Throughout the year, we will have speakers to help you with the science of mothering, and crafts to bring out your creativity (even if you think you are the most uncreative person on the planet!)

It was a joy to see so many familiar faces at our first MOPS meeting, and fun to see some new faces as well! If you missed our first meeting, I hope you are able to come on Wednesday, October 6, at 9:30 a.m. Tracey Bianchi will present "Write it Down! - The Spiritual Art of Memory Making During Motherhood."

Special thanks to Shelly, our Creative Activity Leader, who put together an incredible scrapbooking welcome gift! Shelly has enough for everyone, so if you missed our first meeting, be sure to get one at our next meeting. We hope to see you there!