Monday, August 26, 2013

MOPS Season is Almost Here!!!

Hey moms, ready for the school year to begin?  Well, that means Northwest MOPS is starting back up when the kids go back.  Keep open Wednesday, September 4th for our 2013/2014 MOPS Kick Off Meeting.  Our loving childcare workers will open their hearts and arms to accept your little ones at 9:20 so our meeting can start promptly at 9:30.  At the meeting we will introduce the Steering/Leadership Team, meet all the mentor moms, complete a Busy Bag Craft, have a wonderful breakfast and catch up with old and new friends.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Garage Sale

Hey M.O.P.S Moms!
Just a reminder that I (Anggie) am hosting the last garage sale of the season this Friday and Saturday (2-3). If you have any more donations please just leave them by the garage door (you will see a blue tent set up, if you need my address please email me at ) no later than Friday morning. I don't need much help with the sale (thanks to everyone's awesome organizing skills from the last sale (: ) but am in need of a few more folding tables if you can spare them.