Q: A lot of women in my MOPS group
(including me) have struggled with depression — both postpartum and
depression in general. What form of treatment do you recommend?
A: I empathize with you deeply, for I, too, have
spent many sojourns down deep in the well of depression. When in that
dark, isolated place, each of us needs someone to toss down a “rope” to
help pull us out. That “rope” or treatment may come in the form of
support from loved ones, the help of a counselor or mental health
treatment with medications by a psychiatrist — or all the above! Your
job is to let others know you need help and then grab onto the “rope”
and hold on.
But getting out and staying out of the well are complicated by
several issues — such as your type of depression, finding the
combination of treatments most effective for you, having ongoing support
from loved ones, plus sorting out what triggered your depression.
Why Moms Hide It
Unfortunately, guilt,
embarrassment and fear make many moms hide their pain. Many women think
depression is their fault, or fear that it shows they aren’t good
mothers or good Christians. Others are embarrassed because their family
does not understand and tells them, “Cheer up!” “Snap out of it!” Or
they ask, “Why are you so sad? Life is not that bad!” But in truth, life
that bad for the very depressed.
Many moms don’t intentionally hide their depression. They don’t
realize depression is what’s making their path so dark and their outlook
so bleak. This is why we all need to know the symptoms of depression
since it often takes a husband, relative or friend to enlighten and
persuade a depressed woman to get help.
Signs and Symptoms
How depression “looks” varies widely, but most who are depressed show five or more of the following for at least two weeks:
- Sadness, unhappiness, tearfulness
- Sleeping excessively or being unable to sleep
- Loss of energy
- Loss of interest in things you previously enjoyed
- Irritability
- Difficulty thinking or concentrating
- Sudden change in appetite
- Physical discomfort
- Feelings of worthlessness
- Thoughts of suicide or death
Types and Causes
When you feel depressed, there’s
a reason you feel as you do. The reasons vary widely from biochemical
causes to situational causes. Often it’s a combination of causes that
- Hormone shifts. Postpartum, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) and perimenopause
- Biochemical imbalance — inherited or other cause. Depletion of brain chemicals
- Winter depression (known as S.A.D: Seasonal Affective
Disorder). When sunlight levels drop, these women may need light therapy
to balance brain chemicals
- Unresolved anger turned inward
- Your situation does not match your expectations
- Your needs are not being met. Sleep deprivation, other physical needs, emotional, mental and spiritual needs
- Issues from your own childhood that often emerge when you become a parent
Tailored Treatments
Since the causes of
depression vary from biochemical to situational, and may be a
combination, effective therapy may vary from medication to counseling to
practical helps from family and friends with meals, naps and childcare
assistance. The right treatment combination differs for each woman.
When there’s a biochemical imbalance, medication can be a lifesaver.
Since various antidepressants differ in how they help your brain
chemistry, your doctor may have to try a couple different meds to find
the best medication for you. The right medication can make you feel
“normal” again. Since some imbalances are temporary, many women only
require medication for months. But please don’t stop medication abruptly
or without your doctor’s OK.
In nearly all situations (even biochemical imbalance), some
counseling is crucial to help uncover and treat the causes of the
depression. Try to be open with loved ones about what you need or need
to resolve. Feed your spirit with prayer, read the psalms and remember
God IS with you.
Your Life Is Precious
No matter how horrible depression makes you feel, you are always worthy of help. Your mind may tell you lies — such as
everyone would be better off if you were dead.
But the truth is, your suicide would forever ruin the lives of those
you love. Make a pact that suicide is NEVER an option, and promise
call for help immediately if you have:
- Suicidal thoughts
- Plans to hurt your children
- Foreign “voices” in your head telling you to hurt yourself or others
Feeling suicidal is a sign that you need support and treatment, not that your life is beyond repair.
Click Here to see how you can help other moms through depression.
Dr. Carrie Carter is a mother and national speaker on health
issues. She served as a pediatrician for more than 10 years in San
Diego, California, has been a regular contributer to MomSense
magazine and wrote Mom's Health Matters
The information in this article is only a guide. Please talk
with your physician about any health concerns and before you start
taking any medications.