At our meeting on Wednesday, January 20th, we were delighted to welcome Karyn Humphries as our speaker. Karyn is a certified trainer, speaker, writer and coach. She is a MOPS Council Coordinator and a former MOPS Mentor. She serves her church and community as a creative arts leader, spiritual gifts coach, and a
Good $ense Budget Counselor. She is the mother of two boys and has been married for 25 years. Read more about Karyn on her website:
www.karynhumphries.comHow often does someone push your buttons?
Who pushes your buttons? I know my five-year-old seems to know EXACTLY which buttons will make me angry!
Karyn talked about the buttons which make us react the way we do. We have three emotional needs: self-worth, the need to experience love, and the need to stay safe. We also have physical needs: Food, Water, and Shelter. Our spiritual needs are Harmony, Access to God, and Peace (Forgiveness). When we perceive a threat to any of these "buttons," we react--and sometimes our reaction is not pleasant!
Karyn telling a story.
Instead of reacting when our buttons are pushed, we can try to respond. There is about a 20 second difference between reacting and responding when our buttons are pushed. This is why counting to 10 is so effective in getting us to respond calmly when someone pushes our buttons!
Karyn helped us understand those pesky buttons!
What can also help us when we become frustrated with life? Our spiritual buttons! They transform the self so that our emotional buttons become activated less. In Christ, we find our WORTHiness. In Christ, we experience unconditional LOVE. When Christ is in control, we feel most secure and SAFE.
What did you enjoy about Karyn's talk? Did you learn something new?
If you have any questions for Karyn, feel free to email her at